Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Mind of McCain

It's been observed by many others that McCain is probably the closest we will ever see anyone be Gollum in real life. Sadly I suspect that when McCain is asleep, the conversations in his head go a lot like this:

McCain 08
: We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They will help us win it! Sneaky little Rovians. Wicked, tricksy, true!
McCain 00 : No. Not Rove and Dobson!
McCain 08 Yes, precious, true! They will cheat, hurt, LIE FOR US!
McCain 00: Rove is your enemy!
McCain 08: NO! YOU don't have any friends; nobody Repub likes YOU!
McCain 00: I'm not listening... I'm not listening...
McCain 08: You're not a Maverick, but a coward.
McCain 00: No!
McCain 08: *BLACK BABY*.
McCain 00: Go away!
McCain 08: "Go away?"
[McCain 08 laughs as McCain 00 begins crying]
McCain 00: I hate you, I hate you.
McCain 08: Where would you be without me, McCain 08 the pander I saved us! It was me! We survived because of me!

Of course, the basis for this dialogue is from the Two Towers.

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